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The Path to a Greener Future: Understanding Sustainable Development

The Path to a Greener Future: Understanding Sustainable Development In an era where environmental challenges and resource depletion are becoming increasingly evident, the concept of sustainable development  has gained significant importance. Sustainable development aims to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This blog post will explore the principles, goals, and strategies of sustainable development, highlighting its critical role in ensuring a balanced and healthy future for our planet. "Transforming our world: The path to sustainable development." What is Sustainable Development? Sustainable development  is a holistic approach that integrates economic growth, environmental protection, and social equity. It seeks to create a harmonious relationship between human activities and the natural world, ensuring that resources are used efficiently and responsibly.  Definition: The most widely recognized de...


Consumer protection councils are the advisory bodies which have been established at three levels – central, state and district levels. These bodies have been set up for promoting and protecting the interests of the consumers. These councils have been entrusted the task of protecting the rights of the consumers.

The Central consumer protection council:

1. Establishment (U/S 4 (1)): The central government shall establish central consumer protection council by notification with effect from such date as may be specified in such notification.
2. Composition (U/S 4 (2)): The Central council shall consist of the following members, viz:
(a) The minister in charge of consumer affairs who shall be its chairman.
(b) Such number of other official or non-official members representing such interests as may be prescribed.
3. Procedure for meeting (U/S 5): Section 5 provides that the central council shall meet as and when necessary buy at least one meeting shall be held every year. The chairman of the central consumer protection council is empowered to determine time, place and agenda for the meeting of the central council.

4. Objects (U/S 6): Section 6 states the objects of the central council as being promotion and protection of the rights of the consumers. These rights are;
a) The right to be protected against marketing of goods which are hazardous to life and property.
b) The right to be informed about the quality, quantity, potency, purity, standard and price of goods to protect the consumer against unfair trade practices.
c) The right to be assured, where ever possible, access to variety of good and services at competitive prices.
d) The right to be heard and to be assured that consumers interests will receive due consideration at appropriate forums.
e) The right to seek redressal against unfair trade practices or unscrupulous exploitation of consumers.
f) The right to consumer education.

The State consumer protection council:

1. Establishment (U/S 7): The State Government has been empowered to establish the state consumer protection council by notification in the official Gazette, to be known as consumer protection council of (name of the state).
2. Composition (U/S 7(2)(a)): The State council shall consist of the following members,
(a) The minister in charge of Consumer Affair in the state government who shall be its chairman.
(b) Such number of other official o non-official members representing such interests as ma be prescribed by the state government.
3. Procedure for meeting (U/S 7(3) & 7(4)): The State council shall meet as and when necessary but not less than two meeting shall be held every year. The chairman of the state council has power to fix time and place although procedure in regard to the transaction of business for the state council meeting is the subject-matter of the state government.
4. Objects (U/S 8): The object of every state consumer protection council is to promote and protect within the state all the rights of the consumers are same as laid down under section 6(a) to 6(f) of the central council.

The District consumer protection council:

1. Establishment (U/S 8–A (1) of consumer protection (Amendment) Act, 2002: This Act provide for the establishment of District Consumer protection council by the state government at every district by notification.
2. Composition (U/S 8–A (2)): It shall consist of the following members, namely;
(a) The collector of the district, who shall be its chairman and
(b) Such number of other official and non-official members representing such interest as may be prescribed by the State Government.
3. Procedure for meeting (U/S 8–A (3) & 8-A (4)): The District Council shall hold at least two meetings in a year. However, the time and place for the meeting will be determined by the chairman of the council.
4. Objects (U/S 8-B): The objects of the District Consumer protection council are to promote and Protect within the District the rights of consumers are same as laid down under section 6(a) to 6(f) of the central council.



T.S Intermediate 2nd Year Economics IQ List for IPE March 2024

Welcome to Learn At Ur Desk! In Telangana State, Intermediate Exams are going to start soon and if you landed on this post then you are looking for some Important Questions to prepare for your final exams. Well, you have landed in the right place! Today I’m going to give you some most Important Questions lists (IQ Lists) for your last revision before the final exams. The Important Questions List (IQ List) is to make you have an organized Revision before Exams. Please make sure these questions are just for last-minute revision and are based on previous paper analysis. So, this list of questions does not cover the full syllabus. Click here for the new and complete syllabus for TS intermediate second-year Economics Syllabus. Below are TS Intermediate 2 nd year Economics  IQ List  Prepared by Rumana Rukhsar (Updated for IPE March 2025) Section – A (10 Marks questions) Q 1) Analyse critically the characteristics of developing economies with special r...

T.S Intermediate 2nd Year Commerce IQ List for IPE March 2024

Welcome to Learn At Ur Desk! In Telangana State, Intermediate Exams are going to start soon and if you landed on this post then you are looking for some Important Questions to prepare for your final exams. Well, you have landed in the right place! Today I’m going to give you some most Important Questions lists (IQ Lists) for your last revision before the final exams. The Important Questions List (IQ List) is to help you have an organized Revision before Exams. Please make sure these questions are just for last-minute revision and are based on the NEW  syllabus  recommended by the board. So, this list of questions only covers part of the syllabus to check the complete syllabus  click here Below are TS Intermediate  2 nd year Commerce  IQ List  Prepared by Rumana Rukhsar (Updated for IPE March 2025) PART – I – Commerce Theory (50 Marks) Section – A (10 Marks questions) Q 1)       What are th...

T.S Intermediate 2nd Year Political Science (Civics) IQ List for IPE March 2025

Welcome to Learn At Ur Desk! In Telangana State, Intermediate Exams are going to start soon and if you landed on this post, you are looking for some Important Questions to prepare for your final exams. Well, you have landed in the right place! Today I’m going to give you some most Important Questions lists (IQ Lists) for your last revision before the final exams. The Important Questions List (IQ List) is to make you have an organized Revision before Exams. Please make sure these questions are just for last-minute revision and are based on previous paper analysis. So, this list of questions only covers part of the syllabus.  Click Here for the new and complete syllabus for TS Intermediate 2nd-year Political Science (Civics) Subject. Below are TS Intermediate 2nd year Political Science ( Civics)  IQ List  Prepared by Rumana Rukhsar (Updated for IPE March 2025) Section – A 10 Marks Questions Q 1)     ...


Welcome Back! 😄In my last post I have taught you about Final Accounts right! 😀Well you must remember 🤔we prepare final account from trial balance and till now we only deal with closing stock as an adjustment. In this lesson I'm going to teach you how to deal with adjustment entries in final accounts.

T.S Intermediate 1st Year Commerce IQ List for IPE March 2025

Welcome to Learn At Ur Desk! In Telangana State, Intermediate Exams are going to start soon and if you landed on this post, you are looking for some Important Questions to prepare for your final exams. Well, you have landed in the right place! Today I’m going to give you some most Important Questions lists (IQ Lists) for your last revision before the final exams. The Important Questions List (IQ List) is to help you have an organized Revision before Exams. Please make sure these questions are just for last-minute revision and are based on the NEW syllabus recommended by the board. So, this list of questions only covers part of the syllabus to check the complete syllabus click here Below are TS Intermediate 1 st  year Commerce  (New Syllabus)  IQ List  Prepared by Rumana Rukhsar (Updated for IPE March 2025) Part – I (50Marks) Section – A (10 Marks questions) Q1) Define Partnership. Explain its advantages & Disadvantages. Q2) Differenti...

T.S Intermediate 1st Year Political Science (Civics) IQ List for IPE March 2025

Welcome to Learn At Ur Desk! In Telangana State, Intermediate Exams are going to start soon and if you landed on this post then you are looking for some Important Questions to prepare for your final exams. Well, you have landed in the right place! Today I’m going to give you some most Important Questions lists (IQ Lists) for your last revision before the final exams. The Important Questions List (IQ List) is to make you have an organized Revision before Exams. Please make sure these questions are just for last-minute revision and are based on previous paper analysis. So, this list of questions only covers part of the syllabus.  Click Here for the new and complete syllabus for TS Intermediate 1st-year Political Science (Civics) Subjects. Below is the first-year Political Science ( Civics) (New Syllabus)   Important Questions (IQ List)  Prepared by Rumana Rukhsar (Updated for IPE March 2025) Section – A 10 Marks Questions Q1) Define Political...


Hey! Till now, In cash book lesson, we learned about simple cash book, double column cash book and triple column cash book , today I’m going to teach you how to prepare petty cash book using imprest system?