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T.S Intermediate 2nd Year Commerce IQ List for IPE March 2024

Welcome to Learn At Ur Desk! In Telangana State, Intermediate Exams are going to start soon and if you landed on this post then you are looking for some Important Questions to prepare for your final exams. Well, you have landed in the right place! Today I’m going to give you some most Important Questions lists (IQ Lists) for your last revision before the final exams. The Important Questions List (IQ List) is to help you have an organized Revision before Exams. Please make sure these questions are just for last-minute revision and are based on the NEW  syllabus  recommended by the board. So, this list of questions only covers part of the syllabus to check the complete syllabus  click here Below are TS Intermediate  2 nd year Commerce  IQ List  Prepared by Rumana Rukhsar (Updated for IPE March 2024) PART – I – Commerce Theory (50 Marks) Section – A (10 Marks questions) Q 1)       What are the differences between the money market and the capital mark

30 days’ study plan and study tips for CEC students.

Welcome back! My amazing learners. I know exams are just a month away and you are very nervous, some are even terrified by seeing a vast syllabus and thinking about what to study first and second, etc…

A few weeks ago, I published some Important questions(IQ) list for TS Intermediate 1st & 2nd-year for Political Science (Civics) Economics and Commerce check out if you didn’t found it yet. As promised I’m here with a study plan which covers the IQ list in just 30 days!  
I call these Important Questions an IQ list because whole-year students work hard to complete the syllabus and learn everything but when they come close to exams they often get on their nerves, but don’t you worry Learn At Ur Desk already provided you with the IQ list for Political Science (Civics), Economic and Commerce paper to learn smartly.

So, Increase your IQ with these IQ lists and IQ study plan NOW! Inshallah, this will help you study in a more organized way.

Things you needed for Revision:

1. Print out 30 day Study plan
2. Study material (for answers)
3. Notebook (for practising and testing your IQ)
4. Your Favorite colour pen (for Checklist)
5. Time management and Space
6. Concentration*

Study Tips:

1. Follow D3 (i.e Determination, Dedication, and Discipline) while using this or any plan to do anything, as these three are principles for achieving any goal.
2. Stay away from all types of distractions while studying especially phones, games, TV, the internet, and social media.  (after accomplishing your daily goal you can use these stuff, with no issues)
3. Take 5 minutes short breaks for every 25 minutes of study and 1 hour long break after completing each subject, here in this study plan, you need to study 4 subjects daily so take a long 1-hour break before starting the next subject. Relax your mind and body in these breaks, and don’t use distractions while on break.
For a short break, you can drink water, or tea, eat snacks, stretch your body or take a walk for 5 minutes.
For a long break, you can have your meals, and prayers, go for a long walk, exercise, or even take a nap for 1 hour.
4. Have nutritious food, make sure to eat all of your meals be determined to have your meals on time.
5. Drink lots of water, and stay hydrated.
6. Lastly, take a good 7 – 8 hours of rest every night, which means don’t study at night instead wake up early in the morning.

So here is my 30 day Study plan for CEC 1st-year & 2nd-year students and the links to IQ lists

For CEC 1st year Click Here (Study Plan)
For CEC 2nd year Click Here (Study Plan)

Download and print your copy of the 30-day study plan now!

Click on these links to view the IQ list for CEC 1st Year Civics, Economics, and Commerce. In case you want to make your own study plan.
Click on these links to view the IQ list for CEC 2nd Year Civics, Economics, and Commerce. In case you want to make your own study plan.

Point to remember:

  1. While creating your study plan make sure you break your topics into bite-size pieces so there are no issues while having it. 
  2. Don’t try to Revise all at once, take breaks so your mind gets some time to regenerate its energy to feed more information. 
  3. And lastly, test yourself. Be honest, and humble but do justice, DO NOT CHEAT as you are going to be the FUTURE. 

So decide how you want your FUTURE.

Do you want to be part of that future that is corrupted with no knowledge, no true wisdom? 


Would you like to be part of the bright FUTURE with true wisdom of knowledge that will make the world a better place to live in?

Make your choice and keep learning at "Learn At Ur Desk"


If you like this study plan and study tips, please comment in the comment section and share them with others. Don’t forget to subscribe with your email to get the latest notifications in your inbox.



CEC/MEC/HEC 1st Year

·       TS Intermediate 1st Year Political Science Syllabus

·       TS Intermediate 1st Year Economics Syllabus

·       TS Intermediate 1st Year Commerce Syllabus

·       TS Intermediate 1st Year Political Science Important Questions (IQ List)

·       TS Intermediate 1st Year Economics Important Questions (IQ List)

·       TS Intermediate 1st Year Commerce Important Questions (IQ List)

CEC/MEC/HEC 2nd Year

·       TS Intermediate 2nd Year Political Science Syllabus

·       TS Intermediate 2nd Year Economics Syllabus

·       TS Intermediate 2nd Year Commerce Syllabus

·       TS Intermediate 2nd Year Political Science Important Questions (IQ List)

·       TS Intermediate 2nd Year Economics Important Questions (IQ List)

·       TS Intermediate 2nd Year Commerce Important Questions (IQ List)

Study Tips

·       How to Prepare for Exams? Everything you need to know before Exams

·       What is the best way to do Revision? Student’s Complete guide for Effective Revision.

Latest Updates

·       TS Intermediate Public Examination Timetable

·       TS Intermediate Public Examination Result



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